Available for insitu or extractive measurement, the Nocostop™ enables accurate and reliable single gas monitoring for tunnel, roadside and parking applications. The Nocostop™ gas analyser is designed to measure continuously the concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) or nitrogen monoxide (NO) or nitrogen dioxide (NO2) accumulated in traffic areas. Online measurement is performed by high precision gas proprietary (CO, NO or NO2) electrochemical cells while the measured concentration is reported using the 4-20 mA output or available on local LCD display.
Continuous monitoring
The Nocostop™ gas analyser has been designed to measure continuously the concentrations of CO, NO and NO₂ in tunnels, parking, and roadside applications. With fast response time, extremely low detection limit the Nocostop™ ensures accurate and real time air quality control for the safety of tunnels and car parks users.
Ease of operation
The Nocostop™ full remote access capabilities with RC3 control unit minimises the need for sensor attendance and eases considerably maintenance tasks and diagnosis operations. Locally, sensor information can be collected using the analogue outputs, by direct connection or using the optional LCD screen.
Increased resistance
With its stainless steel unit (316L), the Nocostop™ Gas Analyser is highly resistant, making it the perfect monitoring instrument in extreme environments. Moreover, the Nocostop™ light weight enclosure features an integrated filter and a splash guard system to protect the measuring cell from fog and water spray.
Flexible Monitoring Solution
Pillard Nocostop™ is adapted to all tunnel and parking applications:
- Single sensor solution
- Insitu and extractive version
- CO, NO or NO2
- Wall mount light weight SS316L enclosure